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Es handelt von einem Mädchen das von einer bösen Hexe in einem Turm gefangen wurde.

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Out of these the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. Malvorlage Rapunzel Umtrieb die sowohl Kindern denn wenn schon Erwachsenen hilft ihre Kreativität Rezeption und Psychologie zu prosperieren. But there was a high wall all round it and no one ventured into it for it belonged to a witch of great might and of whom all the world was afraid.

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Von einem bezaubernden Prinzen gerettet der erfährt dass Rapunzel nur dann Zutritt zum Turm hat. Vor allem Kinder lieben Malvorlagen. Rapunzel ENGLISH - Rapunzel GERMAN There once lived a man and his wife who had long wished for a child but in vain.

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